"You will NOT get your vegetables until you eat your ice cream!!" --Great Wolf Lodge commercial

Monday, May 24, 2010

I GOT KIDNAPPED. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . .by my youth group. Since I was confirmed during the church service yesterday, they decided they wanted to kidnap all the "cofirmands"(though I'm officially a member of the church now) and bring them to youth group. My youth pastor told me that they do that every year to the new confirmands >D

So I was happily drawing upstairs in my room, when my sister came in the front door. I told her, "Hey, go turn the alarm on." She said, "Hold on, I need to grab something first!" Ends up I was the "thing" she had to grab!! When she came up the stairs, I was flabberghasted to see that Tyler (one of the youth group members) was right behind her. In my mind I was about to say Oh, hi Tyler! Why are you--waaaiiiiiiiit a minute. . . My sister then shouted, "GRAB HER!!!!" One of the guys hopped over the bed and tried to tackle me. In my frenzy to get out of his grasp, I accidentally kicked 2 people in the chest XP

I dashed down the back stairs, with Thomas (another member) right on my heels. I almost tripped and fell halfway down >( I tried to open and run out the back door, but he caught me in time. Then they all decided they wanted to grab me and haul me to the church van, but one of the girls said, "Put her down! Let her get some shoes on so we can go kidnap the others." (chorus of angels singing Allelujah) Voice of Reason finally comes to rescue poor little old me!

It took us about half an hour to get the remaining 3 people; one of them already knew, and the other two were completely taken by surprise. It was SO worth it--pretty much the entire youth members were there to celebrate our arrival. We played a game of "sit-down volleyball", where we literally sat in a chair and bumped a gigantic beach ball to the other side. It was a blast. Then we all ate subs, lemonade, and chocolate chip cookies for dinner. (Maniacally giggles) heeheehee. . . . I can't wait to kidnap next year's confirmands! >D

Aregato for viewing my blog,


  1. Oh my word. I sure hope that this November, when I go into youth, that I don't get kidnapped! I don't think that the youth should come to my house. They all hate me! Lol!

  2. hahaha, thomas must've chased the crap out of yu(:
