"You will NOT get your vegetables until you eat your ice cream!!" --Great Wolf Lodge commercial

Saturday, May 29, 2010

New Format

Check out my awesome new format!!! It's totally me. . . .girly, but with an edge. I won't reveal my source because I want to be the only one with a blog like this (; I was sad to remove my TANG orange juice picture because it didn't fit very well on the title bar-thingy. I may decide to put it back later, though.

This weekend is a 3 day weekend, hooray!! That means I get to sleep in thrice as much as I normally do on weekends--I wake up early for church, and Saturdays just depend. On Memorial Day, I will remember Mah-mah (see more previous blogs to know who she is). Even though she did not fight in any political wars, she did fight the war against cancer.

In case y'all have been looking at the labels on each post for the past 3 blogs, I have a countdown until school's out. Well, IT'S NOT ACCURATE. I was counting the weekends in that one, plus my math is terrible. So I will put in a correct one this time -_-

Have a great weekend, everyone, and don't forget to shop at Macy's. They always have Memorial Day weekend sales!

Jai Jen!! <><><>Kristen


  1. Hey, LOVE the new format thing. You do know it says "cutest blog on the block" right on that thing, right? Yeah. I miss the orange thing (sniff)

  2. hi! cool new format! thanks for following & commenting on my blog! I LOVE your's as well!

  3. The new format is super cute!


  4. Cute blog and happy memorial day and three day weekend!!
