"You will NOT get your vegetables until you eat your ice cream!!" --Great Wolf Lodge commercial

Friday, October 15, 2010

My Toy-Storical Life

Heute ist Freitag, 15 Oktober, 2010 (I wrote the German way to say the date! :P)

Have you ever just wanted to reminisce and dig out your old toys and play with them?? Well, I remember when I was about 4 or 5, I LOVED this Fischer Price brand of toys called, "Little People." My older sister played with them, and when my little sister came around, we passed them down to her. Now she's too old to play with them, so Mom is going to send them to the church consignment DX(waaahh). She told me they were in a box in the Den, and if I wanted to play with them one last time, I could. I set it up, and took pictures of it to remember them.

Santa on the elevator

house with a garage and back yard
firefighter in a helicopter rescuing a kitten (I think at one point we had a firetruck. . .)
farm yard with siloh in the background--can you find the cow?? ;P
Barn with a farmer and chicken in the hayloft (FYI, the farm set and school house were my favorite, and still are!)
A little girl at the fair
random bunny going down the school house's slide
swing in a school house
gas station/car wash
school house
See how much fun it is to just be young again? I reccommend it-- it takes away the stress of being a teen sometimes. In other news, I've posted in one month, like I said!! This week we don't have a lot of marching band practices, so that relieves some of the stress. It gives me time to do stuff like this :) Today, I decided to bum out in a hoodie and no makeup and just my plain black skinnies--it felt good not to do my normal dressing up. In my Foreign Languages class, we are currently studying German! It's a lot like English; in fact, English derived from German! Hence some of the similar spellings and syllables. I love Oktober (yes I just spelled it the German way). . .
So--tell me how your October is going! What kind of extracurriculars are you doing? Had a really funny joke you think is worth posting to me on this blog? Talk to you guys later!!


  1. Aww, I used to play all the time with those little guys! :)

  2. haha I love little people!! I never played with them until my little sister got them. I was, like, 10 and I was playing with them with her XD

    I took German for 4 years! Then, I stopped because of schedule conflicts and now I don't really remember much. Except, even now, because of German class, I still want to capitalize all of my nouns...T.T
    lol I still like German as a language, anyway!
