"You will NOT get your vegetables until you eat your ice cream!!" --Great Wolf Lodge commercial

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Happy October!

It's been quite awhile since I last posted--sorry about that, guys! For maybe until December I have TKD and marching band interfering with my normal schedule of posting at least twice a month. Speaking of which, last Saturday (sept. 24th), I had my first band competition! We got A LOT of second place trophies, but our Pit Crew, Percussion section, and Drum Majors got first place (clap clap clap). It was boiling--I probably drank about a gallon of water, so I'm all peed out^_^ It was great, though. I got to see my friends from other schools that had also entered the competition, and observing everyone's uniforms was really cool. They were all very diverse. We also have the Jamboree coming up on Thursday, and another competition on Saturday!

This month is October, one of my favorite cool-weather months! I decided that for Halloween, I'm going to be a gypsy. I bought my costume this year, since I knew I wouldn't ever have time to make my own. It's red and has gold sparkly sequins on it, and an aqua skirt. Yes, I'm 14, but seriously, how come so many teens are "too old" to Trick-or-Treat?! Dressing up and getting free candy AT NIGHT is the coolest thing ever.

I only have a few minutes left, so I'll have to sign off early: Thanks for reading my blog, and if you come across this, Follow it and comment!!


  1. Congratulations on the band stuff!
    Halloween is an awesome holiday. I want to get dressed up this year, but I haven't decided yet on what I want to be...

  2. Oh, hey, my sister Corrina was a gyspy one year! She had a great costume. I'm being Cinderella before the ball this year.

  3. Lol, last year I went trick or treating and so many people told me I was too old. I just told them "It's free candy and time with your friends, so why not?!"
