"You will NOT get your vegetables until you eat your ice cream!!" --Great Wolf Lodge commercial

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Drawings

So as you guys can already tell, this blog post is based around my most recent drawings. I drew this title page for my friend Monica, since she loves manga and anime. I also love it. I drew it in shoujo the best I could with notebook paper and a sharpie, all freehand. Now, I may have copied some ideas, but I would never duplicate a mangaka's art! This took me about a week, even for only one page (heh heh. . .if I were a mangaka, then my drawing would probably be done waaay past the due date. . .T_T)!! But it was worth it, and when I gave it to my friend, she seemed happy.

Hope you guys enjoy it too, and let me know if I can improve it in any way (just don't be mean about it, because I'll be honest, I don't take harsh criticism very well)! And just an FYI, you may have to crane your neck a teeny bit due to the fact that I couldn't figure out how to rotate it. Dx

This is the entire page.
This is my friend in a full Japanese-style school uniform, even though I added a bit of my style here and there to jazz it up (; And notice the sparkly detail in the background! If you are wondering what the Chinese characters say, it means "Shen Ming Nuan," or "Bright light." I went to this website http://mandarintools.com/chinesename.html to find out what her English name meant in Chinese; it came up with the zodiac year, meaning, pronunciation, and characters. From there, I just copied the characters onto paper in a bold form.

Heehee--this is her freaking out (which she doesn't do often. . . .that's mainly my reaction whenever she tells me something big ^__^)

She swims, so I added a few drops of water and snorkeling goggles. That's right, strike a pose, girl!

Ooohh, dramatic! Notice the blue aura.

Please remember to comment, and thanks for reading this!
Jai Jen,



  1. Cool pictures! I love that kind of stuff, but I have no idea how.

  2. wow! your are BRILLANT at drawing!!!!!

  3. Those are such cute pictures!! I'm sure your friend loved it XD

  4. WOW! Your blog rocks!I am definately following it! LOVE your backround.You are an AMAZING ARTIST WOW! Do you think you could folow my blog??? The link is...


    thank you soooooooooo much!

  5. I did love it! Ha, thanks again Kristennn(:

  6. I like the drawings!
    very cute :3
    Can you draw something for me? :3
